In English

The Norwegian Association of Military Medicine (NORMILMED)


The aim of the he Norwegian Association of Military Medicine (NORMILMED) is to promote military medicine in general and to further the scientific, social and economic interests of our members in particular. 


Norwegian Association of Military Medicine (NORMILMED) was established December 21th 1882. NORMILMED is the oldest chapter in The Norwegian Medical Association (established four years prior to the The Norwegian Medical Association).


Norwegian Association of Military Medicine (NORMILMED) is a chapter of The Norwegian Medical Association. The members of NORMILMED are active and reserve serving medical doctors and individuals with interest in military medicine in general.  


Norwegian Association of Military Medicine  is organizing courses in military medicine for members and interested persons and is taking care of the union interessts of serving military medical officers. 


Norwegian Association of Military Medicine (NORMILMED) can be contacted through the Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. .



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